How I Can Help You

It's my goal to create a comfortable, safe environment, where we'll work to achieve the goal together

Susan B. Kullman

M.S.W. Ph.D.

Susan B Kullman, is an experienced Life Coach, Relationship Coach and Educator. With over 30 years experience in helping people create harmony in their lives and relationships, Susan B Kullman can help you achieve your desires and gain clarity on your life.

My Education

I have dedicated my life to studying the human mind and relationships.
[cq_vc_draggabletimeline avatarstyle=”text” avatarlabels=”1966,1967-1968,1970,1978″ contenttitles=”City College of New York,Columbia University,University of Pittsburgh,University of Pittsburgh” labelcolor=”#6f6f6f” defaultbarbgcolor=”#fcf7f1″ draggingbarbgcolor=”#0c6c68″]

B.A., Psychology
City College of New York
30 Graduate Credits
Columbia University School of New York
M.S.W., School of Social Work
University of Pittsburgh
Ph.D., Department of Higher Education
Child Development / University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation: Body Integration Groups for Women


I offer personal development services to anyone who is facing a struggle in life and is looking for a solution. Throughout my career I have helped many people work through their relationship problems as well as their individual concerns.

When you come to me you can be assured that you will be in a relaxing and safe environment. In coming to me with your ordeal you will receive the help that you need to build the confidence you need to overcome the issue.

Learn more
Phone: 928-445-0231
Prescott, AZ 86303
141 South McCormick Suite 103